Individualized Treatment for Your Pregnancy and Postpartum Journey


As your physical therapist, I provide custom care in my clinic, virtually, or in your home to meet your needs, lifestyle and schedule.

Providing care to you in your home removes the stress of finding care for your children, allows you to continue your baby’s feeding and nap schedule undisturbed, and removes the scheduling and logistics barrier. Observing you in your space allows me to provide the most individualized care to meet your needs.

In this busy world, I want to help nurture that slow and quiet pace necessary for your healing those first few weeks at home with a new baby. As a movement specialist I can watch how you feed baby, assess your movements around the crib, observe you navigating in and out of bed, assess you negotiating stairs and how you carry baby around your home.

I am here for you.


What We Treat


Labor and delivery prep

Postpartum care

Leaking: urinary or bowel - incontinence

Abdominal separation - diastasis recti

Cesarean and perineum scar manaagment

Sexual dysfunction

Orthopedic pain


Finally a practice where you feel listened to and your needs are met.

“At Nurturing Wellness you will work one on one with a highly skilled pelvic health physical therapist who specializes in pregnancy and postpartum, which is forever. It is never too late in your postpartum healing to reach out. You will not feel rushed and you will leave with a plan curated for you”

For pricing and questions contact Dr. MaryHelen Gustafson.